On December 9, 2016, Lawrence & Lawrence, PLLC Partner, M. Jason Lawrence, was inducted into the Louisville Bar Association’s Leadership Academy with the Class of 2016. Individuals selected for the LBA’s Leadership Academy are LBA member attorneys who wish to develop leadership skills for the betterment of their practice, community and the legal profession in.
Checks and Balances: Further Reflection on Governor Bevin’s Executive Order and the Kentucky Real Estate Authority
By Andrew C. Weeks & Michael F. Lawrence December 8, 2016 Governor Bevin’s Executive Order No. 2016-859 has created a glaring conflict between Kentucky’s legislative and executive branches of government. The new makeup of the four real estate boards affected are in direct violation of the Kentucky statutes that formed the boards. A quick refresher.
Governor Bevin Creates Kentucky Real Estate Authority to Consolidate Multiple Real Estate Boards
By Andrew C. Weeks & Michael F. Lawrence December 6, 2016 I. INTRODUCTION On December 1, 2016 Governor Matt Bevin issued Executive Order No. 2016-859. The Executive Order will have a lasting effect on Kentucky’s real estate industry by reorganizing four administrative bodies and creating the Kentucky Real Estate Authority. The changes are set to.